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Marlboro Cigarettes Types And Strengths

Marlboro Cigarettes Types And Strengths Rating: 6,1/10 6989 reviews

In the summer of 2010, most smokers noticed a change in familiar cigarette packages. Backuptrans android iphone whatsapp transfer + full. What was previously known as a 'Marlboro Light,' for example, became a Marlboro Gold Pack. Similar changes affected other brands of cigarettes like Camel Light and Marlboro Ultra Light. This is because the U.S.


Ute Reservation Marlboro Cigarettes Types

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had just banned the use of words like 'light,' 'mild,' and 'low' on cigarette packages. The FDA made this switch due to safety concerns. Words like 'light,' 'mild,' and 'low' lulled consumers into thinking that these cigarettes were, keeping them from trying to quit smoking.

Marlboro Cigarettes Types And Strengths

List Of Marlboro Cigarettes

In reality, all cigarettes are equally dangerous. In many cases, cigarette manufacturers have responded by simply removing the banned words from their cigarette packages and letting the colors do the talking. For example, now blue, gold, and silver are typically reserved for the supposedly milder products, while red is used for traditional cigarettes and the color green for menthol cigarettes. Album video songs download hd The Perception of Cigarette Packages Though the words that might prevent people from are gone, research has shown that the perception of these new cigarette packages is the same.